主题: 联邦工作学习计划, Fall 2024 学费 Bills and Payment Plans, FAFSA, 三重奏学生支援服务, j学期留学, 欢迎回归周, 支持洛约拉基金, 学生健康保险.
主题: 秋季学费账单, FAFSA提醒, 支持洛约拉基金, 重要的日子 for Living on Campus, 学生健康保险, 暑期出国留学.
主题: 2024年毕业典礼回顾!
主题: 职业服务, 毕业典礼, 高级送别, 夏季/秋季注册, 三重奏学生支援服务, FAFSA, 给诺拉一天, 洛约拉忠诚日.
主题: 洛约拉忠诚日, 暑期班, Summer Support from 职业发展, 开始计划, Senior Salute for the Class of 2024, 校外房展, 得分手的橱柜, FAFSA提醒, & 更多的.
主题: FAFSA更新,毕业典礼 and Grad Fair information, 类戒指, 出租风格, 职业生涯世博会, 洛约拉忠诚日, 出国留学常见问题, 搬家准备, 要知道的五件事, 助推器俱乐部, 四旬斋的撤退, 觉醒撤退, 得分手的橱柜.
主题: FAFSA更新, 毕业典礼 and Grad Fair information, 家庭周末, 2024年暑期留学, 三重奏学生支援服务, 校友参与, 实习强化课程, student spotlight on Emma Grace Condon, 确认类, 和体育更新.
主题: 注册资源, FAFSA提醒, 同侪教导, j学期2024, 照亮洛约拉, 2024年毕业典礼, Sneaux, 狼群运动, Ignatian感激, 降临节花环, student spotlight on Victoria Sosa.
主题: FAFSA的变化, 三重奏学生支援服务, 就业中心资源, 照亮洛约拉: give to the Loyola Fund, 出国留学机会, 营养支持, 流感疫苗展览会, El Día de Muertos, 忙人静修.
主题: 成功中心资源, 狼群运动 Golf Tournament, 《易胜博》杂志2023年夏季版, walking pilgrimage of Camino Ignaciano for J-Term, contact info for Student Finance, 为狼群加油, 灵性的机会, student spotlight on Paola Ameglio.
主题: Welcome from President Cole, Proxy Access vs. 唱片发行vs. 授权用户, j .学期出国留学选择, 新校友会, spiritual opportunities on campus, student spotlight on Makayla Hawkins, highlights from move in and Wolf Pack Welcome.
In order to provide your student with the maximum financial support, they need to fill out the FAFSA 尽快. Send your FAFSA to Loyola by using our Federal School Code: 002016. Don't forget that we will be sending out financial aid packages a little later than usual this year due to 2024-25年FAFSA的变化 affecting all colleges and universities. Loyola’s Office of 金融援助 is here to support you. Please reach out to our office by calling 504-865-3231, emailing us at finaid@expresstribune.net, or 安排约会.
Need access to your student’s information?
In keeping with the Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act (FERPA), a parent or guardian must be explicitly authorized by their student to receive access to information such as:
- 教育记录
- 注册状态
- 课程表
- 食宿
- 金融援助
- 的付款信息
There are a few different ways your student can give you access. 在下面的链接中了解更多.
Instructions for Guardian Proxy Access
Instructions to Set up an 授权用户